Diminishing mobile vulnerabilities with experienced IT partners

The chord that traditionally tethered the office employee to their desk has been cut. Consequently, the modern workforce today is becoming increasingly defined by a high degree of flexibility whereas previous generations required a strict, rigid schedule in which employees were forced to work from the same physical locations during the same hours each day.

In order to enable this high degree of staff flexibility – which not only allows employees to complete their jobs from virtually anywhere but also vastly diminished hardware, network and energy costs for business officials – many companies are promoting the concept of "BYOD," or "Bring Your Own Device."

This paradigm includes a hosted data management system that can be accessed from an employee's own smartphone, laptop or tablet so that daily duties can be completed on the go.

However, while enterprise-level mobility affords a wide range of conveniences across a business operation, accessing private corporate data from a device without the hefty firewalls present on most internal technology presents a security issue to be addressed.

For example, according to a study undertaken by mobile risk management firm Mobilesafe, three of four mobile devices being used by small or mid-sized business officials for work purposes contained significant vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

But, the good news is that businesses in Ohio that are interested in the benefits of mobile technology but concerned with issues of privacy and security can protect themselves by partnering with a Cincinnati IT support firm that can supply mobile computing and network security options.

By taking this measure, experienced IT consultants can help a company implement firmware, which according to the Mobilesafe study, decreases mobile vulnerabilities by up to 70 percent.

From our offices in Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, PRO OnCall is your single-source technology consulting service, offering managed IT support, unified communications solutions and on-call IT support