Examining the security protocols of VoIP
As with any business solution that touches on the digital realm, the thought of cyber security is in the front of the minds of company decision-makers. From connecting an iPad to the office wireless network to moving the entire system to the cloud, security plays a major role in both implementation and management. It is no different with a VoIP phone solution.
Last week, we covered the $14.4 million contract that the U.S. Army shelled out to deploy a new VoIP phone system. With the sensitive nature of military intelligence, one would think that the organization would need to run out advanced security. While there is certain to be an extra firewall or two, many of the protocols are available to any residential or business VoIP account.
A recent VoIP Review press release examined some of the ways that an internet phone system can be the most secure communication tool available. First off, any protections that are already in place for the Web will affect VoIP. A firewall that protects a company's internet connection will also stop hackers that are looking to tap the phone system.
Many system providers also offer solutions that help with security. Some will encrypt a subscriber's voice data to protect it in the case that a criminal was able to get through the firewall. Others have 24/7 monitoring services that look for anything out of the ordinary and investigate. There is also the inclusion of basic password systems.
In the end, VoIP systems have more security options than a traditional phone system. With the help of an experienced IT consultant, any company can implement a VoIP system with all the security bells and whistles that businesses are looking for.
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