Exploring the reasons for myths of cloud computing

Cloud computing has been in the corporate consciousness for the last few years. The ability to access information from any location and on a multitude of devices is a serious draw for businesses. The reasons behind cloud adoption are not surprising but there is a lot of information out there surrounding the new technology and not all of it is accurate.

A recent whitepaper from Hewlett-Packard examines some of the more popular myths.

“While there is plenty of hype about cloud computing, it can bring you real benefits,” the white paper says. “Embracing cloud where it makes sense for your business can speed your time to revenue and reduce your costs. But embracing cloud means cutting through the hype to find real solutions.”

The white paper tackles a number of features that are affected by myths surrounding the cloud including cost, taking adoption slowly, critical data storage and security. The number of ways that cloud computing options can be implemented impact all of these areas and can change how interested parties will prioritize them.

The private, hosted and hybrid cloud options each possess various features. Depending on what companies value in the basic cloud idea, any of the configurations will be a better option. Knowing the ins and outs of these solutions and what each one consists of will help lift the mysticism surrounding general cloud knowledge.

In the end there are a number of ways that cloud computing can be handled and, without deciding what a businesses needs are, the right solution may be harder to find. Businesses in Ohio that are interested in deploying a cloud solution would be wise to partner with an IT consulting firm. Some providers, like PRO onCall, have their own data centers to offer complete solutions.

From our offices in Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, PRO OnCall is your single-source technology consulting service, offering managed IT support, unified communications solutions and on-call IT support.