Is it time to standardize the cloud?

By now the cloud is well established as an in-demand solution for the enterprise. However, that does not mean there is no room to grow or that a dramatic shift in how the system functions can't take place.

A recent article from ComputerWorld covered the address that Frank Baitman, the CIO of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), gave during the Amazon Web Services conference. During the presentation, he spoke about the power and benefits of the cloud like scalability. He also spoke about changing the marketplace by standardizing it.

The reason this came up is because Amazon is the only vendor that currently has the FedRAMP security certification. While this is good for the company, it can be a drawback for potential customers as the unique needs of each business could make a different option the most effective to deploy.

"We recognize different solutions are needed for different problems," said Baitman. "Ultimately we would love to have a competitive environment that brings best value to the taxpayer and keeps vendors innovating."

For this to work properly, Baitman said there would need to be a standardization to the approach of the cloud. This would make it easier for consumers to compare prices and features across the board to deploy the best solution.

Finding the right cloud solution can be complicated. An IT consulting firm that specializes in these systems can become a valuable asset for any organization looking to deploy the cloud.

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