Taking Cloud Security Seriously

All companies have critical data that is necessary for their business to thrive and grow. If this data was lost or stolen, the business would be facing a loss of clients, money and possibly a shutdown. With an increasing number of businesses moving to cloud computing and storage, they have a whole new set of risks to contend with. Here we discuss threats to a business when using the cloud and how seriously businesses need to take cloud security.


Data Loss

Data loss is the term used when information is accidentally lost or not backed up and can not be recovered. Sometimes this can happen because of software or hardware failure, but generally it happens because of human error. For example, an individual could lose an encryption key, making the data irretrievable.


Data Breach

Often this term is used synonymously with data loss, but there is a difference. While loss is accidental, a breach is when there is malicious intent on the part of an individual to access data. These hackers want access to personal information usually to make money, by stealing account numbers, social security numbers and other sensitive information of clients and employees in a business.


User Negligence

Users in the cloud present a new set of risks. Employees in a company will click on email links randomly, visit websites that are not secure or download data that brings in malware within the cloud system. Eventually these actions open the cloud up to attacks.


Shared Service Risks

Many cloud services are supported by a framework that is shared between different organizations and users. Sharing resources is a good idea because it reduces costs. Unfortunately it exposes the cloud users to a variety of shared service risks. The security threats can start with one single user and spread to the rest of the cloud, which affects all users and the entire business.


Threats to the Browser

Hackers used to target endpoint operating systems and use them to make portals into different cloud servers. This is not nearly as popular as it once was, and now hackers use web-based threats instead. Hackers will infiltrate browsers and then use them to get access into cloud servers. Once inside, cyber criminals could take over emails, social media and cloud accounts in order to get access to sensitive and confidential data, as well as use the accounts for phishing and spam.


Insider Threats 

Insiders have unlimited access to critical business data, and that can make them more dangerous than hackers, since they can get any information they want within the company. If they are propositioned sufficiently by an outside entity, or simply disgruntled on the job, an insider working for a company cold knowingly or unknowingly leak sensitive data from the cloud. This is one of the most damaging risks that a business faces with cloud security.

Although there are security risks, the cloud has many benefits and can increase productivity. If you have cloud security concerns for your business, turn to a trusted company like Pro OnCall Technologies to manage you cloud solution. Contact us today with any questions you have and one of our knowledgeable team members will be ready to assist you.