Toshiba adds game console to product line up for April Fool’s Day

April Fool's Day is a time when some companies like Toshiba enjoy some fun and introduce fantastic, but fake, new products for the business and consumer sectors. The best ones get talked about around the office and shared on social media sites.

This year, Toshiba grabbed headlines with its fake gaming console "Shibasphere." The controller-free device is a "game changer," according to the announcement video, and offers family-friendly games that allow users to partake in going through airport security, have contract negotiations or engage in a staring contest.

While it is good for a laugh, it clearly was a goof. However, it could have been interesting to see it offered alongside the rest of the company's product line, like its business VoIP phone systems. The video conferencing capabilities of the fake console would have fit right along side the cloud-based communication solutions or mobile device integration that can be seen in products that are already offered by the company.

The device could also be offered by IT consulting firms that have partnered with Toshiba to bring their solutions to a large group of users. Companies that were interested in the product could rely on the outside help to integrate the device into the current business landscape.

Businesses looking for IT support in Cincinnati that are interested in the latest telecom solutions would be wise to register and attend a free lunch seminar hosted by Pro OnCall. The event will focus on the benefits to companies that roll out a VoIP phone services, as well as how Toshiba products can make it happen. Occurring on April 30, interested parties in the area can email to register.

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