VoIP and video hold future of mobile calling
When it comes to business communication options, there are plenty of fish in the sea. From VoIP service options and video conferencing to messaging systems and mobility, companies have many ways to stay connected. However, investing in the right solution now can help keep businesses ahead of the curve down the road.
A new column from Joel Evans of ZDNet, expresses the belief that with solutions like Skype, FaceTime and Google+ Hangouts growing in popularity, VoIP and video options will be replacing traditional voice calls before too long.
“With iOS 6 due in September, Microsoft controlling the future of Skype and Google innovating with Hangouts, this is going to be a great space to watch,” Evans wrote. “Regardless of the outcome, it’s pretty clear that the lines between data and voice are blurring.”
CIO Magazine has a recent piece that looks at some key strategies businesses are using to save on IT costs. One of the biggest pieces of advice is investing in mobility. As bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practices spread, companies are looking toward personal gadgets and their programs as ways to stay connected.
BYOD policies also increase productivity, as communication can now happen away from the desk and outside of the traditional workday hours. With the advancement in mobile device technology, smartphones and tablets, along with their applications, make it possible to have a video conference from anywhere, as long as you have a strong wireless signal.
Bringing mobile devices into a company infrastructure takes more steps than just plug and play. Businesses in Ohio that are interested in adopting VoIP and video solution would be wise to partner with an IT consulting firm.
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