IT skill sets not ready for the cloud
The benefits of the cloud have been discussed at length on this blog and by now every organization should be aware of them. From improving remote access to company information to increasing information sharing, the cloud can help organizations move into a new era of IT. However, it can be difficult to do so in your organization if you do not have the skilled professionals on staff that understand how to get the most out of the solution.
A recent article from Xconomy highlighted the reasons outdated IT skills are slowing down the adoption of cloud computing. The piece covered the most recent Washington Technology Industry Association "TechNW: North to Innovation" event which focused on the cloud and big data.
During one panel, Simon Crosby, the co-founder of cloud security firm Bromium, said that the biggest thing stopping companies from using cloud computing in their business was having internal talent with outdated skill sets. He went on to say that the cloud is ready to be adopted in the enterprise but IT departments are filled with professions that were brought up with physical servers and on-premise racking – which the business doesn't need anymore.
It can be difficult for companies to find a professionals to manage the cloud when they are still learning the system themselves. This is where an IT consulting firm that specializes in cloud computing can come in and help any organization embrace the cloud and start using the latest technology.
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