Understanding VoIP the key to success
As with any new innovation, there is a learning curve that must be understood before it can be successfully implemented. No one picks up a computer the first time and is able to run every program on it without a problem. While users will need to handle this head on after the deployment, decision-makers need to make sure they understand how it works prior to making an investment. Failure to fully grasp the concept could lead a business to pass on a technology that would have improved business operations and the bottom line.
This can be seen in the VoIP phone system market. In a recent blog post for IT Web, Mitchell Barker, the CEO of WhichVoIP explained how important it is for companies to understand the solution if they want to be able to get the most out of it.
"If more people were to understand it, they would be able to utilize it to their own and their business' advantage. VoIP is having a huge impact, not just on local telecommunications, but globally too, with some predicting that it will eventually surpass fixed line to become the main means of voice communication," Barker said.
When you consider that a recent Infonetic Research report found that the VoIP industry totaled $63 billion in 2012, which was up 9 percent from the year before, it would seem that many already understand VoIP and are taking advantage.
If your company is having trouble grasping the benefits of VoIP, partner with an IT consulting firm that specializes in the solution and start understanding.
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