Cloud computing an important step in disaster recovery

An IT consulting firm that specializes in cloud computing services can help organizations install a virtual disaster recovery solution.

Cloud helps organizations improve testing

According to a recent article from InformationWeek article, this is where cloud computing can come into play.

Cloud computing ready for the main stage

With the help of an IT solution provider that offers cloud consulting services, any organization can get on the cloud bandwagon and make the most of it.

IT skill sets not ready for the cloud

During one panel, Simon Crosby, the co-founder of cloud security firm Bromium, said that the biggest thing stopping companies from using cloud computing in their business was having internal talent with outdated skill sets.

Is the cloud killing the role of IT executives?

A recent Wired article examined the ways the cloud is changing the role of technology leaders. The article mentioned that there are some CIOs and CTOs who believe their job could be in a state of demise because of the rise of the cloud.

Is it time to standardize the cloud?

A recent article from ComputerWorld covered the address that Frank Baitman, the CIO of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), gave during the Amazon Web Services conference.

Cloud snowball outpacing IT professionals

There can be a drawback to the snowball, however. As it picks up speed, it is flying past the IT professionals who are trying to keep pace with how to manage it.

Cloud needs traditional infrastructure to succeed

The cloud is more than a replacement system for traditional solutions, it is something that needs to be paired with the original infrastructure to create the optimal set-up.

How cloud myths can hurt a company

With the help of an IT consulting firm that specializes in the cloud, any organization can find out the truth about cloud computing before investing.

The difference between data backup and archiving

It can be easy to hear the terms storage, backup and archive and believe that they are just different ways to say the same thing. However, there are important differences between them.