ShoreTel helps turn school bus into mobile classroom

Every conversation about unified communications leads to the…

Survey: business express concern over security, BYOD and cloud options

The business landscape is changing and cloud options and bring your own device (BYOD) policies are leading the charge.

BYOD trends grow, provide large benefits for business

A new report from Digium - a telecommunication company - broke down the numbers to see how BYOD integration is helping small and midsize businesses (SMBs) save both time and money.

VoIP options prove their cost effectiveness

With ever-evolving technology, business phone options are a large beneficiary, and knowing what each system has to offer will lead to the best savings.

VoIP resistance from businesses based on perception rather than fact

These two factors would seem to lead companies to consider a VoIP or unified communication option, but companies are slow to deploy the new technology because they may be basing their knowledge on perception instead of reality.

ShoreTel expand open standards for better UC option

On July 17, UC provider ShoreTel announced the global availability of the latest software release, ShoreTel 13, which includes enhanced capabilities for video communications and instant messaging.

VoIP should be 'taken seriously' by small businesses

SMBs are spending money on communication services, but with the number of options out there, finding the right option can be difficult.

UC growth is backed by small business spending

However, a new survey shows that while large business are still money makers, it's the small business that are helping to surge the UC market.

Poll shows UC options increase productivity and reduce costs

Bring your own device (BYOD) policies grow and companies are embracing new ways to stay connected.

Unified communication solutions have bright future survey says

Unified communication options are helping to drive that growth and the numbers back it up.