Small businesses using technology to bolster preparedness for an emergency
It is interesting to note that a recent IT security study found that significant volumes of small companies are utilizing mobile, virtualization and cloud technologies.
Deploying VoIP for the recruitment industry
While healthcare, religious, consulting and many other different types of companies have been showcased through this blog, the recruitment industry certainly requires an integrated business phone system that can handle high volumes of calls on multiple platforms simultaneously.
A look at Shoretel's new Remote Monitoring software
In order to prevent the likelihood of a technical malfunction standing in the way of normal business processes, Shoretel - a provider of cloud-based technologies - recently announced the availability of a new solution called Remote Monitoring.
A closer look at why cloud tech should be a senior management priority
Some experts have argued that IT has become so fundamental to everyday activity that it has become akin to electricity: technology that is so widely available to virtually anyone that it cannot exactly be used as a means to drive competitive advantage.
How the Sisters of St. Francis improved network stability and security with a trusted IT partner
Understanding that the organization was failing to provide service because of holes in its technological infrastructure, officials reached out to a Columbus IT partner in order to provide a small network analysis and design a plan for improvement.
The benefits of broadband
Businesses in Ohio that have not developed broadband strategies would be well advised to partner with a Cincinatti IT partner.
Study finds significant percentage of callers will hang up when presented with voicemail
Small companies are faced with many difficulties that must be overcome if they are to successfully keep step with competitors that have larger budgets and more employees. One of the most notable of these problems has to do with customer service.
Study finds scientific proof of remote work benefits
Many business officials in Ohio have likely become at least somewhat attuned to what cloud computing is, and why it has been such a pressing topic in industry discourse.
Why unified communications make sense for growing businesses
It is important for organizations considering service providers to do their research and choose an organization that can provide both reliable and scalable options.
How Cuni, Rust and Strenk better protects its data with the support of Cincinnati IT consultants
For Cuni, Rust and Strenk (CRS) - an actuarial consulting firm based out of Cincinnati, Ohio - the company's dated technological processes were preventing the business from undertaking this necessity with optimal functionality.